What We Do

Provide alternative activities that give youth the chance to turn away from engaging in antisocial and criminal behaviour and joining gangs. We also provide one to one and group mentoring session.
The prevention of homelessness and relief of poverty by charitable giving, accommodation support by offering advice on their housing, benefits, maximising their income, life skills training and careers advice.

Opportunities to be heard

We also give them a voice by providing interactive activities that address issues that they have experienced. We do this through; holding debates, life skills sessions providing opportunities for them to celebrate their achievements and skills via engagement showcases, open mics and exhibitions.

Opportunities for optimal wellbeing

We provide fitness and wellness classes, nutrition evidence, youth empowerment workshops and skill- building classes with motivational speakers from their very own communities, assisting in reducing mental health issues and suicidal tendencies among young people by promoting confidence and positive mindsets, as well as delivering the Christian message. We believe our work will help to inspire and spread to a broad range of communities the message of investing in and empowering our youth, especially from BAME backgrounds.

Opportunities to Disassociate from Poverty

Our charity aims to relieve some of the pressures brought on by the pressures of living in difficult circumstances, whether in or out of a pandemic, by giving young people opportunities through our mentoring programs that help them with life skills. Examples include creating action plans, assistance with getting back into employment or accessing first time jobs through such as support with CV writing, job applications and interview skills. Additionally, providing financial advice on; budgeting, spending and saving money to habituate practices. that encourage long-term disassociation from poverty.

Plans to expand THM to the world

Our work extends to seniors across our communities as well. In their loneliness, being a friend, they can talk to gives them vital support, which makes an incredible difference in their lives. The future of THM is not just in the United Kingdom, we want to have a worldwide impact by going outside the United Kingdom to other countries. Our work has already assisted people in need in the DRC, Angola, Nigeria and Ivory Coast. These countries are just the beginning for us, we can get to the world with your help.
The future of THM is not only just in the UK we want to make a Global Impact by reaching outside of the UK to other countries. Our work has already helped those in need in the countries of Congo DRC, Angola, Nigeria and Ivory coast. These countries are just a start for us we are only just beginning.

The Heavenly Mission